
Marta Albadalejo

Mar Arcos

Gemma Balaguer

Caterina Canyelles
High school teacher and glossator. She has taught 17 semester-long courses in improvised singing to high school students. These students have participated in meetings and performances in Sabadell, Barcelona and Reus. She has trained trainers to introduce improvised singing in schools and institutes. She has advised and trained teachers of music, of Catalan, of newcomers program and of language support classrooms. She has also coordinated 25 primary schools and 4 secondary schools (Corrandescola and Improversem) that do improvised singing and a final singing contest. In training for adults she has carried out various occasional workshops (Institut del Teatre, Correllengua…), as well as quarterly and yearly workshops.

Josefina Carrera

Josep M. Castellà

Vivian Figueras
Catalan philologist with training in interpretation. She is a professor in the Department of Arts and Humanities at the Escola Betània Patmos. She gives talks on public speaking and dialectics in Secondary Education to raise awareness in the educational community about the importance of oral communication in secondary school classrooms.

David Guzmán

Manel Jiménez

Roser Martínez

Josep Vicenç Mestre

Ingrid Mora (UB)

Joan C. Mora (UB)

Josep Pedrals
He dedicates himself to poetry from several perspectives: he writes research books on genre (novel essays on poetics and life), recites poetry professionally (he has performed in Europe, America and Asia), explains poetry in courses and at conferences (in Universities and primary and secondary schools), disseminates poetry in various media (currently in Betevé and El País), has organized poetry events of all kinds and periodicity (he led the historical poetic cycle of the Horiginal bar for 13 years and currently directs the Barcelona Poetry festival), puts verses to the music of several composers, expands the theatricality of verse and includes verses in the dramaturgies of others.

Pilar Prieto (UPF)

Jaume Rafecas
Teacher at the EP Estalella i Graells, from Vilafranca del Penedès, throughout his working life (42 years). Specializing in language, Catalan mainly, he has worked with older students (7th and 8th of EGB, 5th and 6th of Primary), preferably. He was director of the school for ten years (1990-2000), during which Ràdio Estalella was born, one of the pedagogical jewels of the school, of which he has always been a promoter, collaborator and coordinator.

Gemma Reguant

Emma Rodero

Ïo Valls (UPF)

Álvaro Arroyo
Graduated in Audiovisual Communication, he has developed his professional career in technological consulting linked to incentives and loyalty, and in the area of entrepreneurship and the development of digital and marketing projects. He has been in charge of the design, architecture and development of this website.

Nil Bernat

Jake Butler

Gabriela Horton

Josep Maria Solé

Marcos Taboada

Justí Torn

Irene Vílchez
Web and audio-visual materials funded by the RecerCaixa 2019-2021 program (project “Oral abilities for future professions: an intervention in the secondary curriculum in Catalonia”), by the PlaCLIK program at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and by the Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya (program “Tenim la paraula”).